Polymer Electrolyte Membranes for Hydrogen Production
Technology Roadmap Sections and Deliverables
Roadmap Overview
This technology's unique identifier is:
- 3PEM - Polymer Electrolyte Membranes for Hydrogen Production
The following is a level 3 roadmap, at the subsystem level, where a level 1 roadmap would refer to the market level at which a hydrogen-powered electric grid exists, level 2 would be the product level at which hydrogen is consumed and converted to electrical power from storage devices, and level 4 would be the component level including the cathode, anode, specific polymer electrolyte membrane, device casing, hydrogen outlet, power supply, etc. for the PEM eletrolyzer.
We will focus on electrolyzer systems using Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM) electrolysis. Electrolysis runs electricity through a cathode and anode to create a voltage. This voltage enables the separation of hydrogen, H2, from water molecules. The PEM technology is one of the oldest and most proven forms of electrolysis chemistries and so we select this specific type of technology because we see it to be best positioned to take off as the market winner. We will specifically be roadmapping the subset systems that are designed to be built on a utility-scale to be able to service industrial applications like steel, ammonia and grid-scale storage.