Extension for Source Code Display
Source Code can be Shown in formatted fashions
<source lang="javascript" line start="1" highlight="4-6"> // SyntaxHighlighter makes your code snippets beautiful without tiring your servers. // http://alexgorbatchev.com var setArray = function(elems) {
this.length = 0; push.apply(this, elems); return this;
} </source>
Please see the implementation
<source lang="HTML"> <source lang="javascript" line start="1" highlight="4-6"> // SyntaxHighlighter makes your code snippets beautiful without tiring your servers. // http://alexgorbatchev.com var setArray = function(elems) {
this.length = 0; push.apply(this, elems); return this;
} </source>
<source language = "Mathematica"> fibonacciSequence[n_] :=
Module[{fPrev = 0, fNext = 1, i = 0}, While[i++ < n, {fPrev, fNext} = {fNext, fPrev + fNext}];
fNext] </source>
Please see the implementation
<source lang="HTML"> <source language = "Mathematica"> fibonacciSequence[n_] :=
Module[{fPrev = 0, fNext = 1, i = 0}, While[i++ < n, {fPrev, fNext} = {fNext, fPrev + fNext}];
fNext] </source>
<source lang= "C/C++" line start="2" highlight="4-6">
/** Fibonacci series in C using for loop by Codebind.com
- /
- include <stdio.h>
- include <stdlib.h>
int main () {
int r=0,a=0,n,b=1,i,c; char redo; do { a=0; b=1; printf("enter the the value of n:"); scanf("%d", &n); if(n>100) { printf("enter some lessor value\n"); } else { for (i=0;i<=n;i++) { c=a+b; a=b; b=c; printf("serial no.%d => ", i+1); printf("%d\n",a); } printf("enter y or Y to continue:"); scanf("%s", &redo); printf("\n"); } } while(redo=='y'||redo=='Y'); return 0;