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[[https://roadmaps-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/index.php/Space_electric_propulsion 2SEP]] [[https://roadmaps-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/index.php/1TIRE_Tires 1TIRE]]
[[https://roadmaps-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/index.php/Space_electric_propulsion 2SEP]] [[https://roadmaps-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/index.php/1TIRE_Tires 1TIRE]]
| [[https://roadmaps-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/index.php/Electric_Vehicle_Charging_Technologies 2EVCT]]
| [[https://roadmaps-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/index.php/Electric_Vehicle_Charging_Technologies 2EVCT]]
[[https://roadmaps-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/index.php/Variable_Emissivity_Radiators_ForSpacecraft 4VER]]
[[https://roadmaps-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/index.php/Variable_Emissivity_Radiators_For_Spacecraft 4VER]]
| [[https://roadmaps-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/index.php/Sample_Technology_Roadmap_-_Solar_Electric_Aircraft 2SEA]] [[https://roadmaps-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/index.php/Solar-Powered_HALE_Aircraft,_by_Naoki_Kobayashi,_Alex_Kunycky,_Yuya_Makino 2SPA]] [[https://roadmaps-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/index.php/Autonomous_Underwater_Vehicle_for_Offshore_Oil_and_Gas_Platform_Inspection 2AUV]] [[https://roadmaps-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/index.php/Satellite_Data_Communication 2SDC]] [[https://roadmaps-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/index.php/Satellite_Lasercom 3SLC]] [[https://roadmaps-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/index.php/Satellite_Communications_5G_NTN_D2D 2SC5GNTN]]
| [[https://roadmaps-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/index.php/Sample_Technology_Roadmap_-_Solar_Electric_Aircraft 2SEA]] [[https://roadmaps-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/index.php/Solar-Powered_HALE_Aircraft,_by_Naoki_Kobayashi,_Alex_Kunycky,_Yuya_Makino 2SPA]] [[https://roadmaps-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/index.php/Autonomous_Underwater_Vehicle_for_Offshore_Oil_and_Gas_Platform_Inspection 2AUV]] [[https://roadmaps-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/index.php/Satellite_Data_Communication 2SDC]] [[https://roadmaps-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/index.php/Satellite_Lasercom 3SLC]] [[https://roadmaps-mit-edu.ezproxyberklee.flo.org/index.php/Satellite_Communications_5G_NTN_D2D 2SC5GNTN]]

Revision as of 00:25, 10 October 2024

Technology Matrix(5X5)

Technology Matrix(5X5) Matter (M) Energy (E) Information (I) Value (V) Organisms (L)
Transform / Process (1) [3MIM] [2PHA] [4AIX] [2ZGAM] [3DAC] [3LULMMFSM] [2SAF]

[1NCF] [2CDR] [2SSG] [2MBD] [1SRG]

[2LCNF] [3WEC] [2WTG] [2RE] [3EAPA] [2EHP] [2AISA] [2EOS] [3OSSA] [2SASOT] [3S3DCAM] [2SHSS] [3BOTRDR] [2WHM] [2GREAT]

[2INV] [4SMS]

[2PLG ]

[2WHFWT] [2MRV] [2LGM]

Transport / Distribute (2) [1SLV] [1LV] [3OORR] [1HTV] [2RPO][2BEV] [3AMR]

[2SEP] [1TIRE]



[2SEA] [2SPA] [2AUV] [2SDC] [3SLC] [2SC5GNTN] [2EVL ]


Store / House (3) [2CFTS] [1PHROS] [3ESB] [3RF] [2NZEB]
Exchange / Trade (4) [2HDS] [3CSM] | [2VRE] [3RPM]
Control / Regulate (5) [3SB] [2BV ] [3BAS] [2HSR] [2RS] [2ASGT] [2MRH] [5ROPP] [2AIAR] [2RPS ] [3BDES]


Technology Roadmaps

Welcome to Technology Roadmapping and Development at MIT. Technology roadmaps show the current state, targets and pathway to the future for technologies created by humans. The roadmaps shown here were created by students in 16.887-EM.427 starting in 2019 using a common approach and structure. This main page contains a list of the 37 existing roadmaps, their classification into a 5x5 taxonomy and a “how to” guide for getting started quickly. Roadmaps are presented in a Wikipedia style format which is easy to read and cross-reference.

Technology Roadmap ID Codes and Link

Technology Roadmaps

[2SUIT] - Lunar EVA Space Suit

[2AISA] - AI Software Agent

[2SEA] - Solar Electric Aircraft

[2SAF] - Sustainable Aviation Fuel

[2RFC] - Radio Frequency Counter UAS System

[2INV] - Supply Chain Management (Inventory) System

[2WHFWT] - Wearable Health Fitness Watches

[2MRV] - Messenger RNA Vaccine

[2LGM] - Lab Grown Meat

[2EHP] - Electric Heat Pumps

[3CSM] - Continuous Security Monitoring

[2DTT] - Digital Twin for Aircraft Manufacturing Facility (Embraer)

[2BEV] - Battery Electric Vehicle Platforms

[3LULMMFSM] - Large Ultra-Lightweight Monolithic Mirrors for Space Missions

[3SC] - Superconducting Cable

[2MNFR] - Mobile Nuclear Fission Reactors

[3OORR] - On Orbit Refueling and Repositioning

[3SB] - Space Booms

[2EOS] - Earth Observation Satellites

[3MIM] - Mars In-Situ Mining

[1NCF] - Nuclear Fusion

[2LCNF] - Laser Confined Nuclear Fusion

[3BAS] - Building Automation System

[2PHA] - PHA Bioplastics Manufacturing

[2HDS] - Healthcare Data Security

[1SLV] - Small Launch Vehicles

[2EVL] - Electric Vertical take off and Landing

[2EVCT] - Electric Vehicle Charging Technology

[1PHROS] - Integrated and Co-located Pumped Hydro Reverse Osmosis System

[2SPA] - Solar Powered HALE Aircraft

[2RS] - Recommendation Systems

[3WEC] - Wave Energy Conversion

[3OSSA] - Optical Payload for Space Situational Awareness

[4AIX] - Adsorption and Ion Exchange

[2RPS] - Retail Payment Systems

[2AUV] - Autonomous Underwater Vehicles

[2BV] - Ballistic Vests

[2PLG] - Plant Genetics

[2SDC] - Satellite Data Communication

[2ZGAM] - Zero Gravity Additive Manufacturing

[2WTG] - Wind Turbine Generator

[2ASGT] - Autonomous System for Ground Transport

[2MRH] - Mixed Reality Headset

[3ESB] - Energy Storage via Battery

[1LV] - Orbital Launch Vehicles

[2HSR] - High Speed Rail Safety

[3RPM] - Reverse Procurement Markets

[2SASOT] - Sparse Aperture Space Optical Telescope

[5ROPP] - Remote Operated Processing Platform

[3RF] - Random Forest

[2RE] - Rocket Engines

[2AIAR] - Computer-Aided Detection Leveraging Machine Learning and Augmented Reality

[2CFTS] - Cryogenic Fuel Tanks in Space

[3S3DCAM] - Smart 3D Camera

[2SHSS] - Soil Health Sensing System

[2ACP] - Autonomy in the Corn Production System

[2NZEB] - Net Zero Energy Building

[2BaaS-SC] - Blockchain as a Service for Supply Chain

[3EAPA] - Electric Aircraft Propulsion Architectures

[3DAC] - Direct Air Capture

[2PEMEPG] - Proton Exchange_Membrane (PEM)_Electrolyzer Plant at Grid Scale#FOM_of PEM electrolyzer plants

[LPBF] - Laser Powder Bed Fusion - Metal

[2DTT] - Digital Twins in Supply Chain

[4DAA] Detect And Avoid Autonomous Augmentation System

[1QCAIML] Quantum Computing for Artifical Intelligence and Machine Learning

[3HTV] Hypersonic Transport Vehicles

[3BOTRDR] - Radar for Autonomous Vehicles & Mobile Robots

[2GREAT] - Ground Based Radar For Space Situational Awareness

[3BDES] - Bioelectronic Devices for Electrical Stimulation

[2RPO] - Satellite Autonomous Systems for Rendezvous and Proximity Operations

[3SLC] - Space Laser Communication

[2SEP] - Space Electric Propulsion

[2AETA] - Autonomous eVTOL Transport Aircraft

[3DAC] - Direct Air Capture

[2VRE] - VR for Education

[2SSG] - Sustainable Syngas

[4SMS] - Interplanetary SmallSats

[3AISC] - AI Safety Critical Systems

[3FOWTG] - Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Generator

[2SC5GNTN] - Satellite Communications 5G NTN

[2SBSP] - Space-Based Solar Power

[3AMR] - Autonomous Mobile Robots for Enhancing Warehouse Logistics

▶ Main page

▶ Introduction to ATRA

▶ The Book

▶ The Courses

▶ Research

Technology Dynamic Linked Network

This is Work in progress

Double clicking is required to be transported to that particular roadmap:

Small_Launch_Vehicles Orbital_Launch_Vehicles_Roadmap Hypersonic_Transport_Vehicles Satellite_Autonomous_Systems Space_electric_propulsion Sample_Technology_Roadmap_-_Solar_Electric_Aircraft Solar-Powered_HALE_Aircraft,_by_Naoki_Kobayashi,_Alex_Kunycky,_Yuya_Makino Autonomous_Underwater_Vehicle_for_Offshore_Oil_and_Gas_Platform_Inspection Satellite_Data_Communication Satellite_Lasercom WorldWide_eVTOL


In_Space_Propellant_Depot Random_Forest_in_Data_Analytics Net_Zero_Energy_Building Integrated_and_Co-located_Pumped_Hydro_Reverse_Osmosis_Systems

Continuous_Security_Monitoring Online_Reverse_Procurement_Marketplaces_and_Auctions

Space_Booms Building_Automation_Systems_for_Energy_Management,_by_Kulkarni,_Ozturk,_Toeldte Mixed_Reality_(Augmented_&_Virtual) Remote_Operated_Processing_Platform Bioelectronic_Devices_for_Electrical_Stimulation