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System Overview

Hypersonic transport vehicles are a type of aircraft from the wider group of hypersonic systems. Hypersonic systems are all vehicles that operate in the flight regime where aerodynamic heating becomes significant, typically thought of as flight faster than Mach 5. Such systems include most atmospheric entry vehicles, some orbital launch vehicles, and several types of ballistic or maneuvering missiles. Hypersonic transport vehicles aim to move personnel and cargo from place to place much faster than traditional transonic or even supersonic aircraft. With a commercial application, this would be accomplished with the aim of generating profit for the company providing the transport service.

Roadmap Hierarchy

In Progress

Design Structure Matrix (DSM) Allocation

In Progress

Hypersonic DSM Hierarchy.png
Hypersonic DSM.PNG

Roadmap Model Using Object-Process Methodology (OPM)

An OPM diagram showing a sample of the processes required for the creation and operation of commercial hypersonic transport vehicles is shown below. Note that the technology of interest (hypersonic transport vehicle) is shown near the center of the figures. The hypersonic transport vehicle serves to transport passengers from one location to another (also indicated near the center of the diagram). FOMs are shown towards the bottom right, with connections to relevant processes. It is noted that the sub-technologies shown in the diagram (high-temperature materials and structures, variable fidelity modeling, and combined-cycle engines) are discussed in detail by Bowcutt in [5].

Hypersonic OPM.jpg

Figures of Merit

The figures of merit (FOMs) relevant to commercial hypersonic transports include the distance covered per time (speed, v), aircraft range R, operating cost per flight C_O, and the aircraft profit per flight p. The profit p generated by the airline may be the single most important figure of merit, as it is the ultimate driver for the existence of commercial hypersonic vehicles (without profit, airlines will not offer such a service). These FOMs are described mathematically with nominal values in the table below.

Figure of Merit (FOM) Unit Description
Aircraft Speed [m/s] XXX
Aircraft Range [m] XXX
Operating Cost [$] XXXX
Profit per Flight [$] XXXX
Allowed Flights per Aircraft [n] XXXX